What is amalgam filling removal and why is it necessary?
Dental fillings are an extremely common dental procedure used for the treatment of holes and cavities within the tooth. These holes can be filled with numerous filling materials dependant on the patient’s type of cavity however, one of the most commonly used material is Amalgam.
What is Amalgam?
Amalgam is constructed of multiple metals such as copper, silver, zinc, and mercury and is a traditional dental treatment having been used for more than 150 years! Though Amalgam is still supported by the Australian Dental Association and is a safe and very strong option for a filling, it does not align with a holistic treatment or approach to dentistry and therefore amalgam filling removal is necessary in some cases.
Is it bad for you?
The World Dental Federation has performed extensive research into whether or not Amalgam can become harmful to the patient. They conclude that it does release very small amounts of mercury into the body, but there is not enough evidence to suggest it negatively impacts health.
At the same time, any exposure to mercury can in fact be toxic and as a result, children, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and patients with severe illness such as kidney disease are encouraged not to come into contact with it for long periods of time.
Additionally, on the rare occasion hypersensitivity reactions can occur from amalgam, meaning the amalgam must also be removed.
Amalgam filling removal
If you have existing amalgam fillings and are considering taking a holistic approach to your treatment, you have the option of amalgam filling removal. Removal of amalgam requires a very specific procedure to ensure the patient is not exposed to mercury vapours or particles. Sydney Dental Aesthetics & Implants (SDAI) follows careful protocol to ensure safety from all exposure is met, this includes the following:
- Tungsten carbide burs (strong heat resistant metal), is used to control vapours released and shorten procedure length.
- Rubber dam (square rubber sheet) is used to stop inhalation or ingestion of harmful debris
- High strength evacuation (suction device) is undertaken to avoid mercury inhalation and recirculation.
Alternatives to Amalgam
Once your procedure is complete you have the option of safer alternatives to amalgam such as:
- Porcelain fillings – which are both stronger and more resilient than amalgam
- Bonded restorations – offers better seal of teeth through custom creation
These materials used are not only mercury free but, can withstand extreme pressure and temperatures making them durable, as well as matching the natural aesthetic of your teeth.
Sydney Dental Aesthetics and Implants, conveniently located in Martin Place in Sydney CBD is a leading clinic in holistic dentistry and take the time to look at not just your oral health, but the effect every component of your treatment has on you total body wellness.
Amalgam removal is a treatment SDAI can provide in a safe and professional approach, contact us today for more information!