New year, new smile-5 Easy oral health resolutions you can stick to

oral health resolutions

Happy New year! The team at SDAI hope you had a fantastic Christmas and celebrated the introduction of the new decade in style. Like many Sydney siders you are probably contemplating your New Years resolutions for 2020, and this quite possibly involves striving towards a healthier you for 2020, are we right?

Caring for your mouth can go a long way toward your overall health and wellness and is an important element of daily self-care. We know hard it can be to stick to resolutions so we thought we would help you out by compiling a list of 5 easy to follow oral health resolutions that you can actually stick to all year round.

  1. Do the floss

So, the dance craze may have made some good traction but flossing in the traditional sense is unfortunately not so popular and doesn’t get the credit and recognition it deserves.

It’s important to treat flossing as essential as brushing. Not only can flossing protect your gums and teeth from plaque build-up, but it can help your bone health and cardiovascular health as well. If you aren’t flossing at all (don’t worry you are not alone), try increasing to two or three times a week. If you’re at two or three times a week already, increase to five days, then move to flossing every day.

  1. H20 is the go

Water is the best and most accessible option for staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Tap water, specifically, contains optimal amounts of fluoride, which has been proven to strengthen teeth and reduce tooth decay. Water fluoridation reduces tooth decay by 26% to 44% in children and adolescents, and by 27% in adults. What about bottled water? Unfortunately, fluoride levels in bottled water can vary greatly and is difficult to determine. Staying hydrated is an important part of good oral health to prevent dry mouth, bad breath and cavities.

  1. Snack smarter

When your diet excludes nutrient-rich choices, gum tissues can weaken, becoming less likely to fight-off infection and may even lead to periodontal disease. Now it would be all too easy to say, “eat healthier,” but that resolution, for many people, is far too broad of a task to complete. Instead, keep it simpler by starting small with choosing better snack options. At the office, it can be tempting to grab the nearest snack available, instead be prepared and keep your office drawer and fridge stocked with yummy healthy snacks such as cut up carrot sticks and hummus, nuts, fruit, crackers, yogurt etc.

  1. Conquer your fear of the dentist

You know you need to visit the dentist eventually, so why not schedule that visit today? If you are anxious or concerned about pain or just a bit nervous about the whole concept of seeing a dentist, the SDAI team are here to help. Our personalised boutique service complimented by our comfortable state of the art practice and convenient inhouse sedation service will give you the peace of mind you are seeking.

Did you know you can sleep through your entire dental treatment with twilight sedation?

Find out more about our premium twilight sedation service here.


  1. Get your confidence back and smile again

Are your teeth sore, broken, decayed or loose? Are you unhappy with your smile but not quite sure how to fix it? It may be time to turn it all around. If your teeth have always bothered you and you have never found a solution, All-On-4TM dental implants may be the answer you have been looking for. Dr Dean Licenblat, Practice Principal of Sydney Dental Aesthetics and Implants is an Australian leader in dental implants who frequently lectures and teaches fellow peers in this area. SDAI is also one of the few practices to offer completely metal- free zirconia dental implants for patients.

Find out more about metal- free implants here:

No matter what time of year, you should always consider what you can do to improve your oral health. A healthy mouth and confident smile can be a powerful asset to your physical and mental well-being and change your life for the better.

New Year, New Smile with SDAI

Want to find out how SDAI can help you get the new smile you deserve for 2020?

Email us at or call us today on 9233 3301

